Saturday, March 20, 2010

Sad News - Jelly the Dog

From Karina:
I am finally able to even articulate this, but Jelly passed away the night before last. We brought him home from the clinic on Thursday night. He seemed agitated and not himself. He kept walking in circles and bumping into everything. He finally calmed down and went to sleep. Jelly then died in his sleep that very night. This has all been very sad. I am trying to focus on the fact that he is no longer suffering and he was able to choose his own fate, rather than a vet. I am trying really hard to believe that this was for the best and trust that this was God's will.

I can't thank you enough for you and your website helping me through this and all of your prayers.

God Bless

Karina is very grateful to all of you for support. Please keep her in your prayers as she mourns the loss of her beloved dog. Thank you everyone!

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