Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Prayer Request for Sophie the Cat

From Dawn:
Please pray for my girl, Sofie. She is 12 years old and has been in good health until a few weeks ago. The vets don't know what is wrong. She has stopped eating, but still has her sweet personality and spark of life. We've tried everything we can think of, but nothing seems to be helping. If it is God's will that she must soon sit in His lap in heaven, I will accept that it is her time, but I ask you to help me pray for her recovery, or alternatively, and most importantly, that she doesn't suffer. Thank you for this site. I can see it has brought comfort to many, as it has done for me. May God bless you during His holiest of seasons.
Please keep Sofie, and all our sick and elderly pets in your prayers. I would also ask that you keep Dawn and all owners who suffer when their pets are sick, in your prayers.

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