Monday, February 22, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Sierra the Cat

From Kristina:
I just came across your site when I was looking for information on St. Gertrude of Nivelles, what a wonderful resource for those of us struggling with the most difficult parts of pet companionship.

My husband and I are asking for prayers for our 9 yr old cat, Sierra, who was just diagnosed with nasal lymphoma. She starts chemotherapy tomorrow but it will be a waiting game to see if it works. Sierra has been such a wonderful companion to me for all of her years, I just want to make sure she's given every opportunity to beat this cancer. She's the most special cat I've ever owned, so smart (too smart for her own good some times) and so full of joy, she's completely wrapped herself around our hearts. Any and all prayers would be appreciated.

I'm attaching a picture of her if you'd like to post it.

Thank you so much! God Bless!
Please keep Sierra and all our seriously ill pets in your prayers.

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