Friday, February 19, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Meanie the Cat

Please keep my Meanie in your thoughts and prayers. She has had a very rough month (and so have her parents). It started 12/23 with a totally fractured jaw (? due to decay?). Miraculously, this healed on its own with antibiotics, time, pain meds, and love. Three weeks ago, a bald spot showed up on her right hind leg. A week later it had turned into a huge growth. The vet removed it and found it to be a rare cancer that spreads slowly, but acts aggressively where it is found, and has very deep roots. They suggested amputating that leg, so we did this Tues 2/16. She was doing ok, is in a LOT of pain despite the constant pain meds, but for some reason is unable to urinate. The vet ran multiple tests today and was unable to find a reason. Please pray that she gets back on her (three) feet and recovers from this. Her daddy did not want to have the surgery to begin with (for both financial reasons, and not wanting to see her in pain), so this is putting a huge stress on our relationship. If she doesn't recover from this, it may mean the end of our marriage. (He has already told me that he blames my decision, and that will never take this course of action with a pet again). Your prayers are greatly appreciated- we love her SO much!!!
Please keep Meanie and all our seriously ill pets in your prayers. I would also ask that you keep both of her owners in your prayers for the intention of peace in their marriage.

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