Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Fritzie the Cat

From Sarah:
I just received word from my vet that my beloved cat Fritzie has been diagnosed with Feline Leukemia and possible lymphoma – he has to do some more tests, but I need your help, please.

He is the sweetest cat in the world, we adopted him 6 months ago from a shelter in Sarasota. Since he has come into my husbands and my life, he has given us so much love. He chose us, we sat in a room with a group of kittens, and he visited with us equally, from my husband to me and back again. He is smart, loves to play fetch, actually brings us the ball. Fritzie is truly the nicest and purest hearted cat I have ever experienced in my life, he gives the sweetest kitty kisses, and is the most polite kitty ever, and I am going to be devastated if he has to leave us. Please pray that God finds a way to heal him, so that Fritzie can live a long and happy life with us. We are still waiting on some more tests, so if you can pray for a miracle, I would be ever so grateful. I can’t lose him.

His name is Fritzie Lansky, he is just under a year old. Please pray for a miracle for Fritzie
Please keep Fritzie and all our seriously ill pets in your prayers.


  1. Poor Fritzie. Prayers being said...

  2. Thanks so much Adrienne! You are a good friend to these animals in need.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.