Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Charlie the Dog

From Marcie:
This is to request a prayer for Charlie, our dog, who is loved so much. Last Saturday, she was diagnosed with a bone tumor and will be put down tomorrow. She has been a part of our family for over six years and has brought joy, smiles and at times, frustration but the love has only grown for her. Throughout her life, she has been plagued with one illness after another and has only shown gentleness and affection to us. Her antics will fill our memories for a lifetime. God gave her to us to teach us patience, forgiveness and learning to love no matter what!

God bless you, Charlie. You will always have my love and respect.. Thank you for your gifts, all of them.
Please keep Charlie in your prayers. This may take a miracle. I'd also ask that you keep Marcie in your prayers as she struggles through this difficult time.

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