Saturday, February 20, 2010

Update on Meanie the Cat

From Pauline:
Esther- I am not sure if I logged in correctly, but wanted to be sure to thank everyone for their prayers. So, here again is my post:
THANK YOU ALL FOR YOUR PRAYERS!!! After three and a half days of not going potty, Meanie went at 11:53 pm tonight! I have been praying, but still bawling in despair thinking we were going to have to put her down tomorrow morning, and it was killing me thinking that all of her pain through the past three surgeries (and four anesthesias) was all in vain-- now I have hope. I know this is only one hurdle in the many to come, but I was very worried about this one. Please continue to pray for her recovery, and pray for my husband who is losing his faith in God, and of course I will keep all of you in my prayers as well.

Esther- thank you for your wonderful website that is able to unite us all in prayer for those we love and who love us so unconditionally. I really believe that this is a direct result of all those praying for us. I truly can't thank you enough, and will keep you updated on Meanie's (hopefully improving) status.
Your prayers really do help! Please continue to pray for Meanie and for Pauline and her husband.

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