Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Update and Praise Report on Stewie the Cat

From Jennifer:
I wanted to update you on Stewie the cat's safe return after being gone for 4 days and 3 nights. I did everything I could from prayer requests, contacting our local radio station KONP, getting in add in our newspaper PDN, putting her missing profile on Craigs List and on my My-space account- I got a call on Monday at around 2 pm from the Olympic Humane Society here on the Olympic Peninsula saying that they found a cat who matched Stewies description. We drove down there and it was her!!
Apparently someone had trapped her in one of those cat trapping devices and when they took her to the humane society she was soaking wet and covered in some kind of stench so they bathed her and gave her her shots to be on the safe side. Stewie seemed like she didn't even know me when I first saw her and they said it was because she was in shock. When we got her home she snapped out of it-
Those cat trapping devices should be illegal and it was here in our new neighborhood and nobody came out to tell us even though we called for her many many times from friday to monday and had fliers up all over the area. We are so thankful she is home, but saddened that this has probably happened to other people who didn't get a phone call for their pets safe return.
We don't let her outside now because there is a deranged individual in our community who traps cats and takes them to the humane society- and there are no strays in this neighborhood, so this person is doing this just to be cruel.
Thank-you for your prayers!!! They worked!! I haven't been to church in over ten years, but I promise that I will be in church on Sunday morning- I just have to find a church, :)!!
Thank-you so much,
Thank you so much everyone for your dedication to praying for all our pets in need! They truly make a difference. Of course, we have to thank God for answering our prayers.

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