Monday, February 1, 2010

Prayer Request for Thor and Terra

From Fatima:
Thor and Terra our beloved dogs took advantage of the gate blown open by the wind and went out to play on 01/29/2010.

They just forgot to come back. Please pray for their safe return and pray for the person/s that may have picked them up that they may be returned to us.

Please keep Thor and terra and all missing pets in your prayers.
Please keep Thor, Terra and all our missing pets in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Update and Praise report on Thor and Terra

    Within 5 minutes of this post going online I received a call from a FEDEX employee who had seen Found posters for Thor and Terra 5 miles away and made a connection with posters we had put up 2 neighborhoods away.
    Happily, I have been reunited with my beloved Thor and terra.
    Thank you all for prayers and ST Anthony for prayers answered. Hallelujah.
    Lets continue to pray for the same happy endings for all pets.

    Much love



Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.