Saturday, February 27, 2010

Prayer Request for Frisco the Dog

From Cat:
First, I want to thank everyone for the prayers for Dusty our horse. We had to have her put down in January. We didn't do any final testing, but the vet is almost certain she had cancer.

Now, we are needing prayers for our dog Frisco again. Last year he had a tumor removed from his side and I honestly feel that the prayers on here helped him through it. The vet and vet tech both commented to us (on separate occasions) that during the surgery - Frisco's heart rate and vital signs never faltered or changed and they both considered that rather unusual. (I, personally, couldn't help but think of Saint Francis and this prayer list!)

Anyway, Frisco now has a possible tumor on his nose/snout. We are having a biopsy done on Tuesday and I would very much like to request prayers for him again that there are no problems with the surgery and although I know - it is in God's hands --- if you could also pray that it isn't cancer and is something treatable I would really appreciate it.

Thanks so much!

Please keep Frisco and all our pets in need, in your prayers.

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