Monday, February 22, 2010

Pets: The Danger of Humanizing Animals

Here at Prayers for Our Pets, we love all animals, especially our own dear pets. We pray daily for all the pets in need and hope to one day be reunited with our beloved pets in Heaven.

However, we also make it very clear that pets are animals. When a pet dies, we do not request prayers for the dead pet. Instead we pray for the grieving owner of that beloved pet. Pets do not have immortal souls, like a human being does.

With that said, I would like to share a recent article by a priest on the danger of humanizing our pets to the detriment of society.

For the Love of Pets


  1. Truly an interesting read-& always an interesting discussion, immortal souls in the sense people have them, certainly not, that would imply free will. But, that does not mean that only those sentient beings with free will and souls will be united in paradise-I think the real problem lies in that no one can really discuss heaven-being beyond our comprehension-will all tears be wiped away? yes, that much is promised, beyond that I have only my catholic faith...

    Mark (RA's daddy)


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