Thursday, January 21, 2010

Urgent Prayer Request for Domino the Dog

From Tana:
Someone was extremely cruel and injured our Domino. She is an old girl, a yellow lab, gentle and giving. The injuries were very severe, and she was in surgery for 3 hours. The vet sent her home, but she isn't doing well and still won't eat. She is growing very weak.

Please pray for Domino. No creature deserves the kind of treatment she has suffered, and the evil it took to do this is unimaginable. My daughter loves the dog so much, and it has hurt her to see her in this condition. We will take her back to the vet tomorrow in hopes of finding out why she won't/can't eat.

Thank you.
Please keep Domino and all our suffering pets in your prayers.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.