Thursday, January 21, 2010

Prayer Request for Tottie the Dog

From Corrie:
Please pray for our Airedale Terrier, Tottie, who went missing this evening. She is a beloved family pet to our family of 6. Our children are devastated, especially our 10 year old son who she broke away from. We just got her at Christmas from a breeder. She's five and led a very sheltered life at the home of her breeder/owner/handler. She quickly won all our hearts as she became a member of our family. She's very leery of strangers so we just pray she'll warm up to someone that will see her tag and call.
Please keep Tottie and all our missing pets in your prayers.


  1. My name is Jeanne and I am a volunteer for Southwest Airedale Terrier Rescue and National Airedale Terrier Rescue. We would like to post Tottie to our lost and found section of National's website in the hope we can help you locate her. However, there is no contact information on the pray list on how to reach you.

    If you wish to check out that I am who I say I am, go to: and to Regional Contacts and look for my name in Arizona. (Jeanne Combo)

    Feel free to email me or phone me in Phoenix. We may have people near you that may be able to help you recover your Airedale.


  2. Prayers for the safe return of Tottie...

  3. Jeanne, I have emailed your comment to Tottie's owner.

    Thank you Adrienne!


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.