Monday, January 4, 2010

Prayer Request for Maxwell the Beagle

From Kim:

I am with a rescue group that specializes in senior dogs as they often aren't even given a second chance. All of our dogs or cats are in foster homes and the head of our group, Ellen, has a foster beagle named Maxwell that is sick. He is in Ivan Animal Hospital and is partially paralized due to a slipped disc. He's been given some sort of injection which might help him. Otherwise all involved think that at age 13 and with a heart murmur, he is probably too old for major surgery Maxwell is an old boy, but he has the lovliest marking of a flower on the top of his head. I've included his petfinder page for you.
Please keep Maxwell and all the seriously ill pets in your prayers.

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet face. Prayers...

    Even though I have not weighed into the comment section, I have prayed for each and every request.

    Perhaps I could be listed on the sidebar as a "permanent prayer person" or some such thing.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.