Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Prayer Request for Guffy the Cat

From Gynelle:
I am so desperate right now and i came online and found your very beautiful page... Can you please, please join me in praying that our grey and black striped cat Guffy comes back home soon? He is eight and so so loved. We had a kitten in the garden for a couple of days which has scared him away and he has been missing since the 6th... He recently had to have some teeth pulled and think he might have been traumatised by that too... He has been through so much, including recovering (miraculously through prayer) from a megacolon... Please keep him in your prayers that he stops being scared and makes his way back home.

Thank you everyone for believing in the power of prayer... please pray for my little guff...
Please kee Guffy and all our missing pets in your prayers.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.