Friday, December 11, 2009

Prayer Request for Snow the Kitten

From Michelle:
am from Miri, Sarawak (Malaysia). About 4 months back, I bought a kitten which I named "Snow". It's a very gentle kitten my family and I loved very much. It has a strange stomach problem which the vet told us as "NORMAL". We didn't find anything normal about it. Since the vet said it's a normal condition, we return back home and we spent our days as usual. Until yesterday, we were not satisfied with its current condition and concerned that it had never gone for bladder, we sent our cute little kitten to the vet. He checked its stomach and said they wanted to X-ray it and said its stomach is filled with water and didn't have much blood in it. He then gave antibiotics, medicine to make it easier to bladder and gave it an injection. Today, our Snow was terribly weak at a stage where I tried to lift it, as if its no longer alive. I cried and rushed to a different pet clinic. I decided not to go back the the previous vet. I just don't feel right. As soon as we came, we brought it in and the vet said instantly took out all the water that filled its' stomach until it looked really normal. Snow was still weak then but after the vet has done his work, our Snow is able to lift itself up. Thank God. I felt a little relief but the vet reminded me to be prepared for whatever is to come and said it's best to leave Snow under their care for at least 5 days to help it recover and try their very best to help Snow. He also said that Snow has a heart problem which caused its' stomach to bloat with water.

Tonight is Snow's first night stay in the pet clinic. I am glad that we sent it to the clinic. And I will never go to the previous clinic we used to go.

I would appreciate all your prayers to our special little Snow so that it will recover and be healthy. Please help us pray for Snow.

Thank you. May God bless everyone and may God listens to our prayer. We love you our precious little Snow....

Today is my birthday, I couldn't stop crying, and I wished for Snow to be fully recovered and I really hope that my wish tonight will come true...

Matthew 7:7 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you".

Thank you so much,
Please keep little Snow and all our seriously sick pets in your prayers.

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