Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Prayer Request for Nik the Cat

From Deb:
Would you be so kind as to pray for our neighbor's cat, Nik? I believe he is indeed on his 9th life and mom and dad, Char and Everett, are very much wanting to keep him with us for awhile. Nik was part of a threesome of kitties, Max and Sarah being the other two. Sarah just passed away this past summer and since Char and Everett have no children of their own, these kitties are indeed like their children.

Thanks for praying that this last round of chemo for Nik would "take" and he would go on to enjoy some more years with this wonderful family.

Thank you for your ministry!
Please keep Nik and all our very sick pets in your prayers. Thank you all for your continued and dedicated prayers for our pets in need.

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