Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Prayer Request for Doo-Da the Cat

Please pray for my beloved cat doo-da. He has been missing since 11/28 and he's never been gone this long. Everynight when I come home and he's not waiting at the door for me, I can feel my heart sink and break. I have had him 12 years well this month would be 13 and I don't have kids he's is my baby, please bring him home safely I would do so much to have him lay with me again. He's been there for me through so much I want to be able to return the favor until its his time. Please pray for his safe and soon return. Please bell all the lost animals find their owners and that homeless pets stay warm this winter and can find forever home. Thank you and GOD BLESS.
Please keep Doo-Da and all our missing pets in your prayers.

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