Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Prayer Request for Caesar the Dog

From Kendra:
I am emailing to ask for prayer regarding a dog named Ceasar who was stolen when his owner's home was robbed 2 weeks ago. They later dumped him or he escaped. There have been multiple sightings, our last known sighting was Sun. night. He has become very thin and is now limping on a rear leg. I am praying for God's wisdom and guidance to help us find him and get him back home. Ceasar is 5 years old and has been with his family since 3 months of age. He is their baby who sleeps in bed with them and lays around on the couch. We are in the middle of frigid temps and winds today and I fear for his safety in this cold. I will keep everyone else's lost pets in my prayers.
Thank you,
Please keep Caesar and all our missing pets, especially those suffering from hungry and the elements, in your continued prayers.

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