Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Praise Report - Floyd the Cat

From Barcy:
Many weeks ago I requested that you include me and my beautiful Maine Coon cat that had been stolen to your prayer list. And after being gone for seven weeks a miracle occurred and Floyd was found!! I can’t be happier and so, so thankful. I know that God, St. Francis, St. Anthony, and all of you brought my guy home safe and sound.

To all that are desperately searching for your lost pet – DON’T GIVE UP!!! Miracles do happen.

My heartfelt thanks and Merry Christmas
Thank you God for answering our prayers and thank you all for your continued prayers.


  1. Please pray and send heeling to my beloved pet umbrella cockatoo parrot named Buddy. Buddy has started to feather pick. As I was putting her to bed and cover her cage i seen she had this lump and a bit blood near her crop area where she poo. I didn't look good. She had laid eggs before but this time it does not look the same. Please pray for my baby girl God bless.

  2. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Buddy.

  3. My baby Piglette has cancer and she is not responding to chemo. All I have left are prayers. A Wolf

  4. Your prayer request has been posted. We are praying for Piglette.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.