Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Update on Ella the Puppy

From Sarah:
Thank you so much for your prayers! Ella spent the day being tested at her vet and they don't think she has distemper! We're still waiting on the test results to be sure, but they're leaning more toward epilepsy now. She's still really sick and on a lot of medicine, but we're hoping to lower the dosages and eventually be able to take them off of them! I've seen an amazing improvement over the last 24 hours (she's wagging her tail again!) and I truly believe it's from all the prayers that she's received. Thank you for keeping her in your prayers and I hope and pray her test results come back negative for distemper and that she gets better and back to her sweet little self soon!

I've attached a picture of her for you!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Please continue to keep little Ella and all our pets in your prayers.

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