Friday, November 20, 2009

Update on Crash the dog

From Loretta:
Thank you Esther for your prayers for our Dog Crash. He has been in the vet hospital since Tuesday 11-18-09 and today (11-20) they called us and told us he is doing much better, he is eating, he is breathing much better and he will probably be coming home today or tomorrow. The vet still is unable to determine what caused Crash's breathing problems but with an aggressive treatment of anti-biotics and steroids, he is doing so much better and breathing much better than earlier in the week. The vet is cautiously optimistic, he is not sure how long this will last, but we will take whatever time we have left with Crash and make the most of every minute. Thank you Esther and everyone for your prayers and please continue to pray for our beautiful Golden Retriever "Crash" cause he is not totally out of the woods just yet
Please continue to pray for Crash and thanks so much for your prayers!

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