Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Prayer Request for Codi the Dog

From Wendi:
Please pray for my best friend in life, Codi. She is a 14 year old
Golden Retriever, very beautiful, smart, loyal, sweet and has a heart
of "gold". She is diagnosed with a terrible disease of which there is
no cure. I love Codi so very much, she was indeed a gift from God
given to me on Mothers Day. I am unable to have human children so Codi
is my Heaven sent child. She is very i right now and after an
exhausting amount of tests and medications she is tired and can no
longer stand or walk by herself. I ask that you pray for Codi, I don't
want her to suffer, I want her to get better and feel like she used to.
Please keep Codi and all our seriously ill pets in your prayers. We especially ask for the intercession of Bl. Seelos and St. Martin de Porres, healers of animals.

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