Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Prayer Request for Munster the Cat

From Brenda:
I found your blog online Prayers for our Pets and really enjoyed reading it. I have lost my black and brown tiger tabby cat Munster since 10/12/2009 from Laguna Niguel, California and would appreciate any prayers and positive energy you could offer. I found Munster, then a kitten, at a veterinarian in Jerusalem about 2.5 years ago while I was working there as a journalist. I brought him over from Israel to Orange County, CA a little over 2 months ago. He is an active indoor/outdoor cat and just disappeared one evening. One neighbor later told me that she saw him on a roof of a nearby home the night he disappeared. Another told me he saw him several streets down a few days later. I have searched high and low, checked with the shelters, posted fliers, tried the phone service, etc. I pray everyday for his safe return home.

Thank you for all of your prayers for animals and for your beautiful blog.



PS. I included a photo of Munster taken right before we left Jerusalem.
Please keep Munster and all our missing pets in your prayers.

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