Saturday, October 10, 2009

Prayer Request for Morgan the Dog

Cindy has the following prayer request. Please keep her and the dog in question in your prayers:
I am a Catholic and I need someone to say a prayer for me and family. I recently became a volunteer for a great dane rescue who fosters great danes. We have received our first foster, and she has been with us for about 3 weeks. When I received my foster dane, she was very hyper and had separation anxiety, didn't know how to walk on a leash. Since having this dog, I have now gotten her over her separation anxiety plus she now is walking on a leash. I had a family who really needed and wished to adopt her, but I guess the rescue said no to this situation. The family that I had lined up to adopt her, had recently lost his wife due to leukemia, and the little girl really needed a companion. Well, on Thursday I received an e-mail that my foster had an adoptive family, not the family that I had suggested. Upon feeling let down, I went a head and lined up a place and time to exchange my rescue dog. The new adoptive mother, said that this was one of the best transactions that she had ever received, because of how I handled the situation. Then yesterday, the adoptive Mother called me and said that she couldn't handle my foster dog,and wanted me to take her back. I then e-mailed the rescue that I was going to pick my foster dog back up, plus try to call the president of the rescue. During this time, I didn't receive any type of interaction. Upon getting my foster dog back; which my family has fell in love with, we have decided it was a sign from God that she is meant to be with our family. Later in the night, the rescue called me and said that I shouldn't picked up Morgan, my foster dog, without contact from a board member. Now, I am a person that is extremely compassionate, plus I want to do right all the time. I am feeling so bad and upset with this situation. I also mentioned that we would like to adopt Morgan. So my prayer request is that you pray for us to be able to adopt Morgan. We love this dog, and already consider her to be a part of our family. I am praying to St. Roch for his help in this situation.

Thank you for our time and prayers.

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