Thursday, October 29, 2009

Prayer Request for Casey the Cat

From Terri:
My year and a half old female tuxedo cat, Casey, got out last Wednesday, Oct. 21, 2009 and has not returned home. We are heartbroken.
We have handed out some flyers and checked the shelters.
Casey was born on our deck and we took her in when she was about 7 months old. She loves to sneak out when we open the sliding glass doors but would usually return within a day or so would Today I was about to give up hope but then I came across your site. I very much believe in the power of the saints and especially I pray to St. Francis. St. Jude and St. Anthony. I will be also praying to St. Gertrude and to Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos to please guide Casey to us or us to Casey.

Please post this on your blog. Thank you so much for giving me hope.
Please keep Casey and all our missing pets in your prayers.

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