Sunday, October 4, 2009

Happy Feast Day to St. Francis of Assisi and a Pet's Blessing

St. Franics
St. Francis of Assisi, Patron Saint of Animals
Feast Day October 4th

"Lord God,
you have made all living things
and you are even more wonderful
than the things you have made.
We thank you for giving us our pets
who are our friends
and who give us so much joy in life.

Bless this Pet.
May it give us joy and remind us of your power.
May we realize that
as our pets trust us to take care of them,
so we should trust you to take care of us,
and in taking care of them
we share in your love for all your creatures.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.


Blessing of an Animal

Almighty and generous Providence,
how great the variety of living things
you have put at our disposal!
You told our first parents:
"I give you all animals of the land" (Gn 1:30).
Some can be used as food,
or for labor or transportation,
but also for our companionship and recreation.

Bless this Animal.
May it carry out the function it has been given
and may it aid us to think of you its Creator
and give praise and thanks to your forever.
We ask this in the Name of Jesus our Lord.

- Prayer Source New Saint Joseph People's Prayer Book, Catholic Book Publishing.


  1. Please pray for my lost German Shorthaired Pointer that she comes back safely and unharmed. I love you Greta, please find your way back to Mommy.

  2. I am posting your prayer request right now.

  3. Please pray for my friend's best friend, a dog named Cesar...he has been diagnosed with cancer and is having surgery this Friday. May St. Francis be with him and provide him a blessing in the form of a full recovery. God bless. Amen

  4. Your prayer request has been posted. We will be praying for Cesar's healing, not only through St. Francis' intercession but also through the intercession of Bl. Seelos and San Martin de Porres.

  5. Please say a prayer for my very ill kitty, Finn. He is receiving his final treatment for an unknown illness before I will have to give him to the Lord. Thank you.

  6. Please say a prayer for my very ill kitty, Finn. We are trying the final treatment for an unknown illness before I have to give him to the Lord. Thank you.

  7. Please pray for my Tsuki... she has ivdd and her back is giving her so much pain.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.