Thursday, October 22, 2009

Betsy the Cat Has Died - Prayer Request for Betsy's Owner

Betsy sadly has died. Maryann sent me the following email. I hope she does not mind if I share her beautiful email with all of you who are an important part of our pet prayer apostolate:
Thank you so much for your prayers. We lost our beautiful Betsy this morning. There is a beautiful poem that I received from the owner of the pet cemetery where she is going to be laid to rest. It is so beautiful. I want to share it with you. Perhaps you could post it on your website. I feel it will bring comfort to many who have lost their beloved pets. It brought me comfort, and it is applicable to human loved ones as well, in my opinion. As there is an unknown author, I think there will be no problem with copyright. Here is the poem.

The Rainbow Bridge

There is a bridge connecting Heaven and Earth.
It is called "The Rainbow Bridge" because of its
many colors. Just this side of the Rainbow
Bridge, there is a land of meadows, hills and
valleys with lush green grass. When a beloved
pet dies, the pet goes to this place. There is
always food and water and warm Spring
weather. Those old and frail animals are
young again. Those who have been maimed
are made whole again. They play all day with
each other. But there is only one thing missing.
They are not with their special person who
loved them on earth. So, each day, they run
and play until the day comes when one
suddenly stops playing and looks up. The nose
twitches, the ears are up, the eyes are staring,
and this one runs from the group. You have
been seen. When you and your special friend
meet, you take him or her in your arms and
embrace. Your face is kissed again and again.
You look once more into the eyes of your
trusting pet. Then, you cross the Rainbow
Bridge together, never again to be separated.

Unknown Author

I have typed it exactly as it was given to me. The
owner of the pet cemetery is in a wheel chair and is
a very religious person. She and her brother run the
cemetery. She does not advertise at all, and my husband
somehow found out about it on line. Evidently, God
brought us to her. My beloved Betsy is going to be
laid to rest in a beautiful place on Saturday (weather
permitting) or Sunday if it rains. I am so very very
sad and my husband is heartbroken. This was his
little girl. Esther, she only turn 12 in April so this
was totally unexpected. I am crying so hard. My heart is
broken, but she died at home. We had an appointment for
her at the vets in the afternoon as she was doing so poorly,
but she didn't make it. By the way, we are in Rhode Island.
Thank you so much for your beautiful comforting website.
You are truly carrying out the Lord's work in allowing us grieving pet parents to share with each other.


Please keep Maryann and her husband in your prayers as they grieve for their beloved pet.

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