Thursday, September 17, 2009

Update on Koda the Cat and Urgent Prayer Request

Jeanine emailed an update on her cat Koda:
Our cat Koda survived the FLUTD and came home healthy, only to ingest a poisoned mouse that was, of all places, in his carrier under his rug and out of site. This happened on the trip home after the FLUTD care. Thirty-six hours later he was back in the hospital in serious condition and underwent stomach surgery 2 days later to remove a blood clot from his small intestine. He is not bouncing back and has developed edema in his legs from being in a cage all the time. He won't eat and it appears as though there is something else still wrong with him. His vet says that he is out of options at this point and that the next step would be a large city MRI center and that they might not even be able to help him. I am heartbroken at this turn of events and humbly request your prayers for Koda, as only God can heal him now. I am praying for a miracle.
Please pray that Koda heals from this unforeseen complication.

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