Sunday, September 6, 2009

Prayer Request for Xiang Tao the Cat

Trish requested prayers for Xiang Tao:
Xiang Tao and his litter mate were celebrating the improved health of an older sibling (another Himalayan) with a trip to Vermont. The 3 cats frolicked on a suspended deck, playing with the vigor of kittens. When
they scampered inside, their owners thought all 3 were together but later discovered only 2 of the cats were in the house. The wandering Xiang Tao has not returned, and the Green Mountains are not a hospitable environment for pampered beloved pets.

I pray that Xiang Tao will return to his family who miss him terribly.
St. Anthony and St. Francis, please help.

Please keep him and all our missing pets in your prayers.

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