Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Prayer Request for Skeet the Cat

Laura requested prayers for her cat Skeet:
I would greatly appreciate a prayer request for my cat, Skeet. He is a terribly sweet orange tabby, and he's been missing for several days.
I'm trying so hard to hope for the best, but I fear the worst. I have lost my faith over the past few years, but this experience has caused me to turn inward and try to believe in the healing power of God. Thank you so much for your help.
Please keep Skeet and all our missing pets in your prayers. We ask St. Anthony to intercede.

Laura, we lost our orange Tabby Honey for 4 months. Our family was heartbroken. We searched everywhere for her and visited the humane society daily for a month. We prayed for her too and that she be located. God eventually answered our prayers and we found Honey 4 months later.

Please rely on God during the difficult times in your life.

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