Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Prayer Request for Frenchie the Poodle

Claire requests prayers for her seriously ill dog:
Frenchie, our Poodle, is a little over ten years old. In the last two
years he has been thru so much...a serous back operation and one year later
diagnosed with mouth cancer. The medication he was on for the Cancer
seemed to be working, but now Frenchie is going thru some pain. He's
eating everything put in front of him, but you can tell he's in some sort
of pain. The cancer on his gum seems to be gone, but now we wonder if he
has cancer somewhere else or if the back is injured again. He's going to
the doctor today, and I'm worried as to what the diagnosis will be. He's
such a trooper....he's so good ....he's funny. He's just the best little
guy you could ever want to know.Please say a prayer for him and that his
time is not yet up. He means so much to so many.

Thank you.

Please keep Frenchie and all our seriously ill pets in your prayers.

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