Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Correction:Prayer Request for Floyd the Cat

In order to have prayers said for Floyd, but without knowing what kind of animal he was, I typed dog. However, Floyd is a cat. The following is the response from Barcy to my inquiry:
Floyd is a cat. He is a 4 year old Maine Coon that we found along a bike path 3 years ago. We think that he had been dumped by a breeder because he was born with the herpes virus which is common for kittens to be born with that when they come from a bad breeder. At first I was horrified that anyone could discard such an amazing cat but then I counted my blessings that we had stumbled across him and he became such an amazing part of our lives.

Floyd is stunning and delightful and I think that is why he was stolen. I just hope in my heart that he can find his way home. I think all the prayers possible will help in the return of our wee one. I do worry about his herpes – when he is stressed the virus activates and cause respiratory distress. I am in constant dialogue with St. Anthony and St. Francis so as they say I will keep the faith!

Thank you for posting Floyd on your prayer list.
Barcy and Guy have requested prayers for their pet who was stolen. Please keep Floyd and all our missing pets in your prayers.
My dear Floyd was stolen from our backyard sometime on September 12. We are just beside ourselves over him. We have plastered the neighborhood, shelters, Vet offices, parks with posters and are posted on several missing pets websites and still nothing.

I pray constantly to St. Anthony to help me find him and to St. Francis for his safety. Perhaps if you posted my request for others to pray for our dear Floyd’s safe return a miracle could happen.

Please pray for the safe return of our dearest Floyd. We miss him so terribly and our hearts are broken thinking he may never come home.

Thank you and God Bless you

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