Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Prayer Request for a Very Sick Puppy

Tashbu left the following prayer request:
reading thru some of these stories makes me sad, but knowing we all have the strength from god, our angels, and all our other supporters gives some comfort. my 7 month old puppy was just diagnosed with a terminal disease by the name of GME it is a disease that attacks the central nervous system and causes high fevers, disoriented swelling of the brain and constant shaking, even seizures, its the hardest thing to watch, she is so little an always falling over herself, i only found out yesterday, and i am so devastated.she is quite ill, and I'm praying so hard so she will be ok, with the disease (lollie) has the chances of survival are very rare, unless treated, because there is no cure, we can just try and relive symptoms with strong medication, please help me pray for her, arc angel Raphael helps with healing animals along with St. Francis and Saint Anthony! your prayers are much appreciated, i will pray for all hear to be healed
Please pray for this very sick puppy and all our animals in need.


  1. I am praying for your sick puppy to be restored to health. Please though, do not let her suffer, as sometimes you must let go & let them go to God.

  2. Praying for all the lost & sick pets on this site.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.