Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Prayer Request for Gretchen the Dog

Lillian left the following prayer request:
Please pray for my little Gretchen. She is a 13-year-old Lhasa Apso; I've had her for 12 years. She is in the hospital right now with what is most likely kidney failure. We are hoping and praying that some it can be reversed. She has been my loving companion for all those years and has given me such unconditional love, especially during the time I was housebound. I just pray to God I can bring her home and have more time with her. Thank you for praying with me.
We ask for the intercession of Blessed Seelos, to heal Gretchen and all our sick pets, if it be God's will.


  1. We recently lost our 15 yr. old min-pin to kidney failure. Fluids & anti-nausea drugs & offering special treat foods to encourage her to eat may help you keep her going for awhile, but just know when it is time to let her go.My prayers go out for you & your Gretchen.

  2. Oh, I am sorry for the loss of your beloved pet.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.