Thursday, August 6, 2009

Prayer Request for Emi the Dog

Lisa left the following prayer request for her little chihuahua, Emi:
My little Emi is 8 months old, 2.9lbs. She is the sweetest, most full of life little long haired chihuahua. I recently took her for a spay and found her liver enzyme levels to be very high. After bloodwork after bloodwork, she has some sort of either liver disease or a liver shunt. She is not symptomatic at this present time but the vet says in time she will show signs. My husband and I cannot afford to pay for the diagnostics and surgery/treatment so we are at this time tryng preventative/alternative methods to protect her liver and pray to God her little body will pull through. Please keep her in your prayers that she will be strong enough to fight this off so she can live a long and healthy life with her big brother Chico, who will be turning 5 this month.

Please keep Emi and all our sick pets in your prayers.


  1. I will pray for your chihuahua. I'm very sorry for her liver problems. For people, I have heard milk thistle helps as an alternative treatment; not sure if that can be used for dogs, but you might investigate that.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.