Saturday, August 1, 2009

Prayer Request for All Animals in Danger of Being Killed

The following request comes from Erin in Florida.

Because animals do not have a soul like human beings, we will pray instead for those animals in danger of being put down and for their owners that they will find a more humane solution when they no longer want their pet.
This is a prayer request for two unknown cats that were just euthanized this morning, and for the other 100+ dogs & cats that the local animal conrol euthanizes every single week.

Just a couple of hours ago I was at our local animal control shelter to get microchips for my most recently adopted cats. While I was standing there waiting, a lady brought in her two cats to be euthanized. She said she had to put them down because her fiance was allergic to them and she could not find them homes.

I thought the shelter would put them up for adoption, but apparently if you request a euthanization, even on a perfectly healthy animal, they will do it right away. The facility is so understaffed & overburdened, I should not have been surprised. And I know that people like this come in every day. The staff there is very caring- I do not know how they handle the stress.

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