Thursday, August 6, 2009

Praise Report on Honey the Cat and Big Mahalo to the Blue Cross Animal Hospital

This morning I had to bring our lost and eventually found cat Honey to the vet. She had a black looking toe which was sensitive to the touch. My husband thought it was a tumor. And, because she had been lost for a long time, we thought we'd better have her checked out for other problems.

The vet ran tests and looked at her toe. Apparently, the toe was infected. The good news is that other than a few minor problems, Honey is in good leukemia or FIV.

I know this has to do with the prayers we pray daily for our pets. Thank you so much!!

I also want to thank our vets at the Blue Cross Animal Hospital. They really do care about the animals they take care of without gouging the owner.

The veterinarians and their staff are in my daily prayers as well.


  1. PTL! I am so happy for Honey and for your family!

  2. Esther,

    I am so happy to hear the news of your Honey. It warms my heart.

    How can I get a prayer request for my Nick, who has been missing since Tuesday, August 6th. He fell through a pushed screen from the 2nd story of our home. We haven't seen a trace of him in 3 days and of course are worried sick.

    Thank you,



Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.