Monday, December 28, 2009

A Message About the Prayer for Pets

Aloha Everyone:

Just wanted to make sure you understood that we welcome all prayer requests regardless of the Faith or Religion of a particular owner.

I am a Roman Catholic and I firmly believe that our friends the saints do intercede for us when we ask. That is why you will see that Catholics have patron saints for certain occupations, ailments, problems and also for animals. I know God will answer our prayers if it be His will.

Again, thank you for all your prayers. I know it makes a big difference.


  1. I'm so glad you posted this. I've been trying unsuccessfully so far to figure out how to petition prayers for my friend's cat. Now I can do it through the comments on this post.

    Sissy is around 15 years old and has been diagnosed with lymphoma. Her doctor says surgery would do more harm than good, so she is on medication to try to help her keep food down.

    Please pray that Sissy's health improves.

    Fabulous website! Every day I pray for my cat, Pollyrose, and every night she gets blessed with holy water just before bedtime.

  2. We are praying.

    Thank you. Another way to leave a prayer request is now by email. See sidebar.

  3. Please pray for our little yorkie Buffy to return home safely. We have looked everywhere for her. If someone has her, please pray they will return her.We love her and miss her so much.Thank you for this site as I am an animal lover.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.