Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Prayer Request - Nicholas the Cat

Tina F. left the following prayer request:
please pray for our very much loved cat, Nicholas, who has just been diagnosed with cancer. he's not doing too well and is dragging his back legs to walk.Nicky is 17yrs old and my heart is breaking.he goes back to the vets in two days.thank you all so very much.
Please pray for Nicky and all our very sick pets.


  1. I too had a Nicky cat with cancer. He had a very aggressive fibrosarcoma between shoulder blades, it was removed but returned 1 yr later - had surgery again & amazingly he lived for many more years, finally succumbing to kidney disease when he was about 15 years old. I'll pray for your Nicholas. I have another, Claws who is now 17 & luckily in good health. It is so hard when your pet is ill, but especially so when one has been loved so long like your Nicholas - God Bless you all.

  2. A. thank you for sharing and for joining us in prayer for these animals. God bless.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.