Saturday, July 18, 2009

Prayer Request for Jinxy the Dog

Ashes902 left the following prayer request:
Please I beg of all those who come upon this site to pray for my Jinxy, he has been having repeated bout of vomiting and this is the second time in 4 months he had to be in the hospital.

my mother bought him for me before she died from cancer,for my birth day. he is 6 and at 5 months old got hit by a car and survived. I and my father could not imagine if anything happened to him, his is a connection to my mother, and i need extra voices to carry my prayer for him to the angels. I have prayed for all those on this site and believe in the miraculous power prayer can bring. please help me heal him and i will help heal all you family"friend" as well. god bless and thank you
Please pray for Jinxy and all the animals in need. Thank you!

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