Thursday, July 23, 2009

Prayer Request for Buffy the Cat, Katrina Survivor

I would like to share the following comment left on our blog last night by Mark and Ginny D.
Thanks so much for this little site where we can express our love for the little things that love us unconditionally. Our cat Buffy is a Katrina survivor, she is credited for saving lives and relationships by bringing us closer to the ones we love. She also pointed the way for other cats amazingly they found there way through that very tough time. She is now very sick after losing her leg to cancer a year ago. She has always considered herself more human than cat simply because the way she pranced into our lives every morning and when we came home from work. St. Francis and St Gertrude please keep a fresh can of tuna and we request that her leg be waiting for her also. Lets all keep Buffy and all other cats and animals that walk this earth by the grace of God and for the pleasure of our stewardship in our prayers.
Thanks Mark and Ginny D.
Please pray for Buffy and all our pets...all the animals, who are in need.

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