Saturday, June 27, 2009

Prayer Request - Harley Quinn the Cat

The following request was left by Diana:
Today is my 18th birthday. Last night I prayed to have a safe and happy birthday today.

However when I woke up this morning I found that my cat Harley Quinn was missing. My mother could have sworn she was in her room but I called and called her and even tried to bribe her with food to come out. Then I proceeded to look for her in all of her known hiding spots, she wasn't in any of them.

My cat has had a history of darting out of the home if people aren't quick to close the door and I'm especially worried about this because shes currently in heat and so I'm sure her hormones are all wacky.

I ask for assistance in praying for her return home to me. If it is god's will. I don't care if she's pregnant at this point I just want her home with me where she is loved and adored and safest.

Thank you very much
Diana, we are certainly praying for Harley Quinn's safe return.

1 comment:

  1. thank you for all of your prayers!
    We found her last night at 4am in stuck in a neighbors grill.

    Even though we had some trouble getting her out of there im happy to report that she is safe and sound.

    god bless!


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