Thursday, June 4, 2009

Prayer Request for Mason the Puppy

The following prayer request was left in the comment box of one of the posts:
Please pray for the return on Mason a great dane puppy I have cared for since he was eight weeks old. A family member abandoned him at my home after having him for a week under the guise that he would pay for his care, which he didn't. I found out today very unexpectedly that the family member planned to sell him to get his money back saying he bought him at a bad time and preferred to have a pool instead, stated he would buy another dog later since this one wasn't his because he didn't raise him.

When I mentioned to his brother-in-law who also abandoned his dog here, that I would consider buying him and then no one would owe me the money, since the amount owed was about what he paid for him, the family member freaked for no reason. He called me cursing and said he was getting his dog, which he hasn't had any dealings with since December 2008. he just showed up and took him out of my fenced yard. I worry for his care because if he takes him to his house he has no shelter and he didn't take any food with him. I'm so distraught. I don't know what to do.
Please pray that Mason is well and if God wills is returned to the person who loves him.


  1. I had a similar situation with an acquaintance only it was divorce type of thing.

    I simply armed myself and went and picked up the cat. True story. Don't mess with Auntie A when it comes to "fur people" - heh


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.