Monday, May 18, 2009

Prayer Requet for Xeena the Dog

The following was left in the comment section. Please say a prayer for Xeena.
Please pray for our boxer Xeena. She had her spleen removed on 5/17/09 because they found a 7mm tumor on her spleen. We pray and ask for your prayers that the results of her liver and spleen biopsy come back benign. I cannot stop thinking about her and tearing up every few minutes. This is the hardest things I have been through and I am sure it's even harder for her to go through it. I'm afraid that she can sense all of our worries and fears about her right now. Please pray for our boxer Xeena so she stays with us for many more years. She will be 8 on July 1st and she is just too young for cancer take her. She is very strong but we need more strength from upstairs to help her concur this.
I am praying right now.


  1. Please pray for my dog Penny. She is just over one year old and has had some digestive problems following her spay. She does well on the special food from the vet, but I know that is not the real solution to what is going on inside of her. Through all this she has maintained a wonderful spirit and is full of energy, but I know she is not truly at her best. Please help us find and solve the problem so my pup can be healthy and strong again. Thank you so much.

  2. Pls Pray For My Lost Iguana Bosski


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.