Monday, May 18, 2009

Prayer Request for Penny the Dog

k has requested prayers for her dog Penny
Please pray for my dog Penny. She is just over one year old and has had some digestive problems following her spay. She does well on the special food from the vet, but I know that is not the real solution to what is going on inside of her. Through all this she has maintained a wonderful spirit and is full of energy, but I know she is not truly at her best. Please help us find and solve the problem so my pup can be healthy and strong again. Thank you so much.
I am praying right now.


  1. Hi Esther,

    I would like to request prayers for my seven year old cat, Callie. We just leanred that she has diabetes. She also has a bladder infection. She is now on a special diet and taking medication for both, but refuses to eat and sleeps constantly. We are very concerned about her. Would you please add her to your prayers? Thank you.

  2. Hi Esther,

    Just wanted to give a quick update that Penny is doing much better. She is still on a special diet but it is now dry food instead of canned and she seems to be much more stable than earlier this year. Thanks for the prayers and thank God for the restored health of my lovely pup.

  3. That is good news. Thanks k! I am happy for you.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.