Monday, May 25, 2009

Prayer Request for Elle the Dog

Please keep Adrienne's little dog Elle in your prayers. She was recently seriously ill.

The following is request left by Adrienne, (who prays daily for all our pets in need).
You might add or Elle to the list. She is limping today after playing catch last night. She already had one back leg operated on and it is not unusual for the other to go bad also.

Another 1000 bucks coming up - Sigh. This would make her worth about $5000.00 (but priceless in our hearts :-)


  1. Hi Esther

    It took me awhile to get here since my Mom never, ever gets off the dang computer.

    Anyhoo, I'm not limping anymore but she still won't let me play ball. What's up with that?

    I think she's going to wait until I see the doctor before she makes any decisions on what she'll do to keep me from being bored. Maybe I'll just get walks instead of ball.

    What to know something cool? Sure you do! As soon as you posted this prayer request my leg started to get better. Yep, indeedy! Almost immediately. How cool is that???

    Now the only bad part of this is I didn't get anymore high-end pain meds, which are kinda fun, doncha know.

    So (may I call you Aunt Esther?),thanks for having this site for all us little fur people and lizard types (like Bosski)



Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.