Monday, May 18, 2009

Prayer Request for Bender the Cat

Pete needs our prayers for his missing cat. As the owner of a cat who went missing for 4 months, I can really sympathize with Bender's human family.
Our cat Bender has been missing for over six months. We continue to search, but I sometimes lose hope. Anyone who wants to offer prayers for our little boy Bender, they would be most appreciated. For more about Bender and our efforts to bring him home, please check out Bring Bender Home. Yes, we made him a blog. :) Thanks, everyone! -- Pete --


  1. Prayers for Callie, Bender, Penny , and Xeena...

  2. Prayer Request for Bella the Cat

    My little cat Bella has been in the hospital for the past 4 days. She is having intestinal problems and doesn't want to eat. Please pray for her healing and that she starts eating on her own. All prayers are GREATLY appreciated. I love Bella with all my heart and this has truely been very hard for me to see her sick. Thanks to all!!!

  3. Thanks Adrienne.

    We are praying. Hope Bella is better.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.