Thursday, March 12, 2009

Veterinarians Recommend Fr. Seelos

Blessed Seelos

Mary Jane who emailed me about Seersee the Cat also was kind enough to share the following:
One night, our chihuahua puppy came down with a bad eye problem. The lower lid of his right eye was swollen and hanging down, appearing like a large red gel sac. We immediately took him to the pet emergency clinic. The vet did not give a very good prognosis: the eye could be lost. We prayed & prayed to Fr. Seelos. His eye was saved, but he would have to take steroids & eyedrops to bring the swelling down.

Having had bad reactions to medicines in the past, we begged Fr. Seelos to cure his eye by morning. The next morning his eye was completely normal. When the clinic called the next day for a check up, they were astounded that his eye was normal. They took Fr. Seelos’ name, and said that they would start recommending the sick pets to his care.

While at the pet emergency clinic, I was approached by a lady, distraught at the condition of her cat who was dying of kidney failure. She asked me to pray that he would be cured, while her husband was trying to get her to accept the fact that their pet would have to be put down. I called a friend of mine, and had her post the request in the Seelos guestbook. Twenty minutes later the vet called the woman in, who shortly came
back out crying, “It’s a miracle, he’s o.k.”

Thanks to Fr. Seelos, there was no more sign of kidney failure.

Sr. Mary Michael, CMSS
Spokane Valley, Washington

Source: Seelos Newsletter

Thank you again Mary Jane. As I mentioned, a friend gave me a second class relic of Fr. Seelos. Now it has even more meaning for me.
Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos, C.Ss.R

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