Saturday, February 28, 2009

Prayer Request for Doc the Cat

The following was a comment left by Amy. Please keep Doc in your prayers.
I found your blog in my search for prayers to find my lost cat Doc. He has been missing for 8 days after escaping through a hole in our crawl space. I am sorry that you have had to experience the pain that comes with having a lost pet. I am worried sick and pray that Doc is safe and returns home soon.
St. Anthony please find Doc and bring him home safely to Amy.

1 comment:

  1. I heard of a warehouse cat (where I feed feral cats) that was crying for help three weeks ago. She was in bad shape and I got a call from a guard who cares. I didn't help her because my boyfriend did not want to go and gave me a hard time about me going. I already have rescued a bunch of cats and I had a pregnant cat from that warehouse in my house at the time. (I rescue and find homes for feral cats after I get them fixed and I'm at my limit.) I have been trying to locate Precious for the last 2 weeks and it's tearing me apart that she has not been found. I think she was last seen around Friday, July 10th. The anger and hurt I feel towards myself and my boyfriend is ripping me apart. Please pray that she is found in decent condition soon so I can help her.


Please feel free to leave your prayer request here.